Kansas City Association of Black Journalists Logo

Annual Media Awards

KCABJ honors the best journalism about people of color with its KCABJ Media Awards. This program began in 1991 to encourage area media companies to be inclusive in their stories, photographs, advertising and public relations efforts about all people in the Kansas City metropolitan area.


Entry Rules

KCABJ seeks applications for its awards from individuals working in the media and from area companies. Entries have included accounts of lifestyles, struggles, conditions, successes and critical analysis of public policies, programs, attitudes and private endeavors relevant to the lives of African-Americans and other people of color in Greater Kansas City. Entries on efforts to promote racial harmony, diversity and multicultural advancements are also appropriate.


Entries must be published or broadcast in  Greater Kansas City for the first time during each fiscal year, July 1st to June 30th. Each of the three copies must have an entry form attached. Print entries should include at least one mounted original copy. The entry form and other copies of the published work may be photocopied.

All entries will become property of KCABJ. Entries will be displayed and stored at the Black Archives of Mid-America Inc. for historical and research purposes. The contest is open to all Kansas City area journalists, media, companies and organizations with an interest in the media.


Media Awards Application 

Award Categories

Newspaper (Daily)

Enterprise reporting, sports, commentary, features, graphics and photojournalism.

Newspaper (Weekly)

Enterprise reporting, sports, commentary, features, graphics and photojournalism.

Broadcast (Television)

Tapes of news stories, educational or community programs, sports, commentary, features or special community shows must be submitted on VHS or DVD's in triplicate.

Broadcast (Radio)          

Tapes of news stories, educational or community programs, sports, commentary, features or special community shows must be submitted on CD's or DVD's in triplicate.


Articles of enterprise reporting, editorials, features, sports, graphics and photojournalism.

New Media     

Enterprise reporting, sports, commentary, features, graphics and photojournalism.

Community Affairs     

Corporate and public relations contributions toward building the image of African-Americans and other people of color in Greater Kansas City. Includes corporate publications, newsletters, public relations projects, advertisements, print and broadcast media. Entries must be submitted in triplicate on DVD's or with a stable web page link.

Media Public Service Award     

All media and corporations that have promoted the interests of African-Americans and other people of color in Greater Kansas City

KCABJ President's Award     

This honor will is awarded to the person or media in Greater Kansas City that has done the most to further the goals of KCABJ.

KCABJ Executive Board's Thumbs Down Award     

This distinction goes to the person or media in Greater Kansas City that has done the most to set back the interests of African-Americans or other people of color.